Shilpa's Noise Ends…
After becoming UK’s never ending toast by winning Celebrity Big Brother, it seems Shilpa’s musical, ‘Miss Bollywood’ has come to an end for now.

After having toured a total of 16 European cities across Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and UK in the last two-and-a-half months, Shilpa returned to London to perform the final act at the Royal Albert Hall. And from what we hear she had all the goras and some of our Desi B-Town fans completely enthralled with her routine.

“She was received in a packed house with thunderous applause as she enthralled the audience with her high-energy pulse-racing performance, virtually mesmerizing people, who couldn’t stop whistling, clapping and even dancing in the crowd, as if it was a rock concert,” says her publicist.

“The house was so packed that the organizers had to give out additional tickets for the top floor which had no seats.” And here we were thinking Royal Albert was all about being propah and snobbish… you mean they actually allow you to stand like that!? What’s next throwing coins on the stage like they do up north for Sunny Deol films!!

After having toured a total of 16 European cities across Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and UK in the last two-and-a-half months, Shilpa returned to London to perform the final act at the Royal Albert Hall. And from what we hear she had all the goras and some of our Desi B-Town fans completely enthralled with her routine.

“She was received in a packed house with thunderous applause as she enthralled the audience with her high-energy pulse-racing performance, virtually mesmerizing people, who couldn’t stop whistling, clapping and even dancing in the crowd, as if it was a rock concert,” says her publicist.

“The house was so packed that the organizers had to give out additional tickets for the top floor which had no seats.” And here we were thinking Royal Albert was all about being propah and snobbish… you mean they actually allow you to stand like that!? What’s next throwing coins on the stage like they do up north for Sunny Deol films!!
