Want Shilpa's Digits?!
This chick just can’t seem to keep her name out of the news! Now while Shilpa’s in the UK riding high on the success of her musical ‘Miss Bollywood,’ the poor thing can’t stop getting calls from random people at all hours of the day! How you ask?
Well some how, some way, her cell phone number reached the hands of super fan, Jeetu Sethi and he decided to leak the number onto the net! So thanks to the wonders of modern technology, Shilpa’s number reached all of Sethi’s email contacts and just kept spreading from there… Come on wouldn’t you want Shilpa’s number too??

Now we all know Shilpa’s no weakling...we don’t have to remind you of the whole kissing incident and so she’s not taking this lightly either!... Well her publicist isn’t at least, because he’s set to file a complaint for Shilpa on Monday November 5th. But here’s the question… if you had access to Miss Shetty’s number, would you use it and what would you ask her? Drop us a comment and let us know and we’ll keep you updated as story unfolds.